Friday, March 12, 2010

Semi-abstract painting of a woman in a dynamic post

I’ve been deliberating what to do recently. The dreaded artist’s block creeping in I fear! I’m pondering using some of my life drawing sketches as a basis for some abstracts, a bit like this one which is called “Woman” I know really original and profound. I was hoping to link to a previous post here! The painting was completed some months back and I thought I’d posted it. However, I can’t find it on previous posts, so I’m assuming I’m mistaken. My apologies if I did.


The pose itself was an interesting one, not just from a visual aspect but also from the fact the instruction was  “imagine you were in a scene from the Hitchcock movie “The Birds” “. If you think that’s odd, the previous pose was to “imagine you were using a sword to severe your links with God”. I wonder about the tutor sometimes! I also used a syringe to apply the masking fluid. It’s not a precise method of fluid application but it certainly has an interesting effect. The browns do make her looked very tanned and the blue green background just serves to emphasise her skin tones.