Team Club Penguin Cheats: Guide for "Puffle Rescue" game. Puffle Rescue key, cheats, instructions, tips, and more.
1) Starting the Game
2) Instructions
- Objective
- Moving Your Penguin
3) Rescuing the Blue Puffles
- Summary
- Setting
- Be Careful
4) Rescuing the Pink Puffles
- Summary
- Setting
- Be Careful
5) Rescuing the Black Puffles
- Summary
- Setting
- Be Careful
6) Find the Moss Key and Enter the Hidden Lake
Starting The Game
Step 1. Log into
Step 2. Open your map and go to the Mine Shack.
Step 3. Enter the Underground Mine.
Step 4. Click on the "Puffle Rescue" station.
Step 5. Click "Yes" to play the game.
Step 6. Choose which puffle to save. There are three(3) puffles that need to be rescued; the blue, pink, and black puffle. The pink and black puffle missions are only available to members.
Instructions: Objective
Your mission while playing Puffle Rescue is to leave your starting point, go through the objectives, get the puffle, and then go back to your starting point.
Instructions: Moving Your Penguin
To move your penguin, simply use your arrow keys to move up, down, left, or right.
Rescuing the Blue Puffles:
Rescuing the Blue Puffles: Summary
This level is available for members and non-members. Your mission in this level is to save the blue puffle.
Rescuing the Blue Puffles: Setting
The setting of this level is an outdoor, cold, water theme, with snow in the background.
Rescuing the Blue Puffles: Be careful!
Here's all the objectives that you need to watch out for so you don't fall into the water!
Standing on thin, cracked ice blocks for too long can break and make you fall into the water.
Don't get into the shark's path. He will break the ice that your standing on.
Don't smash into the red water balloons; they will knock you into the water!
Watch out for open holes, you can fall right through one!
Rescuing the Pink Puffles:
Rescuing the Pink Puffles: Summary
Your mission is to save the pink puffles. This level is available for members only.
Rescuing the Pink Puffles: Setting
While rescuing the pink puffles, you'll be underground - in the dark, dry, mine.
Rescuing the Pink Puffles: Be careful!
Here's all the objectives that you need to watch out for so you don't fall in the cave!
Don't stand on loose wood blocks for too long. The will break and you'll fall right through them! Only stand on wood blocks that have extra woods on them.
Don't get into the way of gas pipes, they'll blow you right off your feet!
Be careful when your near those weapon launchers thingies. They shoot stuff at so they can knock you down! That isn't very nice... LOL.
Rescuing the Black Puffles:
Rescuing the Black Puffles: Summary
Your mission is to save the black puffles. This level is available for members only.
Rescuing the Black Puffles: Setting
While rescuing the black puffles, you'll be underwater - in the empty, endless, and dreadful environment!
Rescuing the Black Puffles: Be careful!
Here's all the objectives that you need to watch out for so you don't drown in the water!
Make sure to not stay in the open water for too long. You will sink.
Do not touch the orange octopuses. They will electrocute you!
How To Find The Moss Key and Enter The Hidden Lake:
Want to enter the Hidden Lake room, but keep getting this message?
No worry, here's how to enter the Hidden Lake room! Please note that this room is for members only.
Step 1. Choose black puffle level.
Step 2. On level 1, go to where the first black puffle is. Get the puffle and stay where you are.
Step 3. After you've gotten the black puffle, you will see a giant squid coming. Get and follow the air bubbles that he releases.
Step 4. Keep following the bubbles until you reach the entrance for the lake.
Step 5. Go ahead and enter the entrance. You've now unlocked the Hidden lake!
Click "Enter" on your screen.
To enter the Hidden Lake room anytime you want, you have to get the Moss Key key pin.
Find and click on the Moss Key pin.
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