Friday, April 30, 2010

How not to sketch, take a picture!

Sometimes you want to sketch but it’s just not possible! Today has been one of those days.

I woke to sunshine and planned to paint. The children were off which dampened my style somewhat.


Take them for a picnic! Happy children, happy parent and happy dog! What could possibly go wrong?

So, we set off for the woods - the dog, children et moi! Fully intending to sketch I took all my gear.

Le Grand plan:- To create one or more masterpieces whilst the children played blissfully throwing a ball for the dog! I either have delusions of grandeur or have watched far too many bad American movies/sitcoms. You know, the ones that are saccharin sweet and have a strong moral at the end. Then insult your intelligence by hammering it home right at the end? Usually in the form of a diary entry or letter.

Oh how naive I was! (laughs hysterically). Between carrying all the gear in a bag that kept falling off (I’ve lost my rucksack) and looking for the dog/children - I managed about 10 lines, before moving on.

All was not lost, I had a camera! So,  one subtle media change later and I continued photographing children and other points of interest. My obsession with brickwork and decay was very satisfied. The lighting wasn’t good but compositionally I like them. I loved this wall – the ghosts of bricks. Says a lot when the mortar is stronger than the bricks!

CIMG4872 Decaying wall

There’s some argument over which is better, working from sketches or photographs. And I’m still debating whether the camera should be on my gear list.

But there are times where it’s a godsend. Moving targets like animals and children are a case in point!

What’s your preference! Where have you found a camera essential? Or do you hold to the sketches only principle?

Leave a comment, I’d love to know!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Medieval Party Construction Around the Island!

Construction and preperation has begun for the 2010 Medieval Party! Let's take a look at the rooms that started construction.

The Beach
The Ski Village
The Town
The Snow Forts
The Plaza
The Underground Pool (Thanks Motorhead Cj, Anonymous, and A11766)
Coolio. Remember that the party starts on May 7!


New Club Penguin April Igloo Music!

There's new music available for your igloo! The new songs are "Quest for the Golden Puffle", "In the Tower", and "Puffle Rescue: In the Cave".

My favorite song is.... I really don't know. I've heard all of these songs before. But, I guess my favorite song is still "Recycle!", from last time!

Which one is your favorite?


New Club Penguin Log In Screen - Medieval Party!

There's a new Club Penguin log-in screen picture! It reads...
"Hark! Explore the adventures of the kingdom!

May 7-16"
Club Penguin will be hosting the Medieval party starting April 22!


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

smoking summer. ha.


Realistic sketching with coloured pencils - a portrait of Avril Lavigne

I’ve always admired people who can get a photorealistic finish on pencil sketching. For some time I wondered how it was achieved. Then I discovered burnishing. I knew some blending techniques but hadn’t really attempted burnishing before. (There were some serious gaps in my art education!)
This is my second serious attempt at intensive blending, Avril Lavigne. The blending and colours seem to be working well.
Avril Lavine
With any artwork I always find it best to “sit on it” for a while. Looking at a picture after a break helps you see the flaws. The errors are glaringly obvious.
Take Avril here, I thought I was finished until I scanned the picture in. But now I can see where I need some minor adjustments. But I’ll do that tomorrow I think, then add the picture with changes.
I can also see that I need to clean my scanner bed, there are marks on her chin which aren’t on the original! Ugh housework! (phtew)

New Club Penguin "You Decide" : Crazy Head Items!

Club Penguin wants you to decide on which item below is your favorite.

They said that the Club Penguin team is doing some "planning" for the next few months and has something coming up.

To vote for your favorite item, click here.

Weird items, lol. And why is Club Penguin being so secretive about this? What might it be...



North America Sports the Soccer Shop will be showing live in HD on big screen today at 11:45 am the Champions League semi-final between FC Barclona v Inter Milan.

Join us as we cheer on the next team to join Bayern Munich in the Champions League final!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

finally some summer inspiration...

Twilight at night - Kristen Stewart caricature

Is it me, or has the Twilight obsession calmed down recently?

What’s that you say?


Oops! Sorry!

Sometimes I love living in a remote part of the country :-)))


Warning you might not wish to proceed with the rest of this blog.

Scenes of a Twilight..ish nature following.

So why am I doing Kristen Stewart?

Good question. I’ve had her picture my “to do” pile for a little while, but felt uninspired to proceed. In the wee small hours of Friday night, I decided to “do my worst”. It’s a relatively old pic of her, which is why she looks so young. Trouble is worst isn’t what I’ve achieved. I’m wondering if some batty references are required. I like subtle, but it doesn’t always succeed in caricatures.

Quite honestly she’s looking a bit too subtle! She’s a bit bland.

Kristen Stewart 

So what do you think? Should I add

  1. some blood spurting from her neck?
  2. 2 small dots on her neck?
  3. flying rodents? Bats, I mean bats!
  4. the odd fang or two?
  5. longs claws on the hand?
  6. Any or all of the above?


Answer _____________

Now, please tear off along the dotted lines at the bottom of you monitor and mail your answers to me!

Monday, April 26, 2010


Club Penguin Mission 11 Release Date and Sneak Peek!

Take a look at this new Secret Agent Mission 11 sneak peek!

A "Herbert Show" at the Ski Village?! Rookie?! Are all the penguins on the island going to know about Herbert?! WHAT ARE YOU UP TO HERBERT!

We'll find out close enough, because the new mission comes out at the end of May; That's next month.


How’s the best way to get yourself noticed as an artist?

Use a broad range of styles or one unique style?
Recently, I’ve spent far too many hours wondering how to promote myself. I’ve come to a conclusion my problem is direction. Specifically the lack of it!
I enjoy creating art, and I love to experiment with new things, so the tendency has been to be a “Jack of all trades”. But this leads to confusion amongst the art buying public. Or so I understand from what I’ve read and learned from other sources.
How can you be recognised for a style if your “style” keeps changing? Now, if you put it like that, it all makes sense! Doesn’t it?
Do one thing…
do it lots…
and do it really, really, really well!
Conclusion? I need to focus on the art I’m good at and not worry about repeating myself. well not too much, anyway.
I have a dilemma then! What is “MY style”? Looking back at my work. A style seems to have emerged…
And I think this one sums it up quite nicely.
Emotional support
It’s a piece I created in February but struggled to name. “Head over heels” possibly.  “Stricken to the core” no, it’s about love and stricken isn’t right. “Truly, madly deeply” Hmm, that’s a film isn’t it? “The power of love” – song title,
No wait, it’s 3
this one
this one
and this one?
“Emotional support” - I think I’ll go with that for now. Something better might evolve but it’s fine for a working title. Please add a comment if you do have any suggestions.
So, where am I headed with the artwork? Oh, I think one style has to be the way!
You should always do what you know and do it well!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Milan menu by Stefan

PES patch , PES update , PES kitserver , PES facepack ,Fifa Patch , Football Manager Patch , Game Trainer , Unique , video , PES 2008 game , PES 2008 Patch , PES 2009 game , PES 2009 patch , PES 2010 game , PES 2010 Pacth , PES 2011 game , PES 2011 patch ,patch pes 2011 , pes 2011 update , Football manager 2010 , football manager 2010 kit , football manager patch


Faces Pack V 1 by Mitchel by Mitchel

PES patch , PES update , PES kitserver , PES facepack ,Fifa Patch , Football Manager Patch , Game Trainer , Unique , video , PES 2008 game , PES 2008 Patch , PES 2009 game , PES 2009 patch , PES 2010 game , PES 2010 Pacth , PES 2011 game , PES 2011 patch ,patch pes 2011 , pes 2011 update , Football manager 2010 , football manager 2010 kit , football manager patch


Sakho and Jallet Face by ift

PES patch , PES update , PES kitserver , PES facepack ,Fifa Patch , Football Manager Patch , Game Trainer , Unique , video , PES 2008 game , PES 2008 Patch , PES 2009 game , PES 2009 patch , PES 2010 game , PES 2010 Pacth , PES 2011 game , PES 2011 patch ,patch pes 2011 , pes 2011 update , Football manager 2010 , football manager 2010 kit , football manager patch

Sakho and Jallet Face pes 2010


Contemporary art alive in Buckingham – New gallery opening

Buckingham is not known for it’s modernity. Having a town centre which has changed little since Georgian times. So imagine my delight when a Contemporary Art Gallery opened last year. Ginny Gray Gallery. And, what’s more, they feature local artists! Major plus in my book. Ginny Gray.

And now, Ginny and Rob Gray the proprietors, have opened a second gallery Yellow Kite gallery. More joy! Well Ginny seems to be happy here!

The opening was today and I popped along for a mooch. I was delighted with the informal atmosphere. I often feel awkward in galleries so it’s important to me the vibe is right.Bronze at Yellow Kite Gallery

They seem to have managed that.

OK, before you ask, I’m not on commission here! No one is paying me to publicise the gallery, I just really liked it. And I don’t have any artwork there!

I was seriously tempted by a couple of pieces…maybe when funds allow? But until then I’ll just drool.

This bronze (left) caught my eye, as did some rather lovely glass pieces. One by a local artist called Twls Johnson (Ammonite scene). I love her work, but I struggle to say her name. It’s Welsh if you need to work it out!

There was glasswork by Vitreus Art which I liked and paintings  by Susie Grindley (I found this link to an exhibition of her work) a mixture of paintings with a little needlework.

I could go on but just check out Yellow Kite gallery for more information.

Bronze at Yellow Kite Gallery

I leave you with another of my favourite sculptures from the gallery.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

"Elite Penguin Force: Herbert's Revenge" Nintendo DS Game Trailer!

Here's the official "Elite Penguin Force: Herbert's Revenge" Nintendo DS game trailer!

French / Français Trailer:

Spanish / Español Trailer:

Portuguese / Português Trailer:

Nice! New missions, new minigames, and much more!

The game hits the stores in United States, Canada, Mexico, and Brazil on May 25th. And in the UK and Australia, it comes out on June 17th!

It's less than a month away! Are you guys ready?!

Related Posts:

Click here, to see another Herbert's Revenge DS game.
Click here, to read about how the sneak peeks are for the DS game, not mission 11.
Click here, to see another Herbert's Revenge DS game..
Click here, to see Cena12121's exclusive sneak peek from Billybob!
Click here, to see the first Herbert's Revenge DS game sneak peek.


Faces Pack by RoMЫ4 and Leo_Messi_10 by RoMЫ4 - Leo_Messi_10

PES patch , PES update , PES kitserver , PES facepack ,Fifa Patch , Football Manager Patch , Game Trainer , Unique , video , PES 2008 game , PES 2008 Patch , PES 2009 game , PES 2009 patch , PES 2010 game , PES 2010 Pacth , PES 2011 game , PES 2011 patch ,patch pes 2011 , pes 2011 update , Football manager 2010 , football manager 2010 kit , football manager patch


HD Boots Pack - 23-04 by Kralle79

PES patch , PES update , PES kitserver , PES facepack ,Fifa Patch , Football Manager Patch , Game Trainer , Unique , video , PES 2008 game , PES 2008 Patch , PES 2009 game , PES 2009 patch , PES 2010 game , PES 2010 Pacth , PES 2011 game , PES 2011 patch ,patch pes 2011 , pes 2011 update , Football manager 2010 , football manager 2010 kit , football manager patch


Friday, April 23, 2010


The new Nike Mercurial Vapor Superfly II fg in Violet Orange and Dark Obsidian just arrived for Nike Soccer Summer 2010 Footwear in various mens sizes.

Also in are the Nike Mercurial Vapor VI fg in violet orange and dark obsidian.

Come try them on at North America Sports the soccer shop in Vancouver BC or call us for your size availability at 604-299-1721.