The snow saga continues. Children are off again and expecting me to entertain them… Rag rapidly being lost. It hasn’t been helped by the continuing teething problems with the laptop. I spent far too much time this morning trying to get the network connections sorted instead of updating my blog as intended. I finished far too late last night to upload then. Both older children are itching to get their grubby mitts on the laptop and “breathing” down my neck, waiting for me to finish! The realisation that normally this wouldn’t be an issue is painfully real! I want the schools to be open…sob! I finally abandoned the fight and continued with painting that wretched commission…sobs some more! I don’t know what it is about this one, mental block or something but it’s a real battle, yet it shouldn’t be!
Now, I really love my children so, in an effort to remove the frustration I was feeling, I headed out with the camera and took some arty shots. Most of them were “OK” but I managed a couple that I liked. These are my favourites