Friday, January 29, 2010

Organised chaos!

As I predicted yesterday, today has not been rife with drawing. I’ve painted a little bit and am planning to sketch some boats now.

In the meantime I’m leaving you with this picture of my workplace. I was asked to submit a picture of where I create my art with the interview and thought it would be good to blog it as well.


The work in progress is on the easel. I try to do them in natural light hence stopping for the evening. In case you might be wondering, it is a cast iron sewing machine with a box easel on top. My art materials are stored in the various boxes and bags around it. We’re in the process of organising the house in general and I’m looking at storage options, but it has to look right as it’s in my living room. I also plan to get a studio easel at some point… blah, blah, blah. I’ll post a picture when it’s done. It will be the opposite of changing rooms. Several months to change a really tiny space. I just don’t want to loose my lovely sewing machine.