Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Well, I started today thinking I would get little done on the creative side of life. Ewan's induction at school, weekly shopping, after school activities, meetings, school run etc. In spite of all that, I managed to do the following Black and White caricature of Duffy. In fact, it's even one of my favourites of the Black and white ones.


So, feeling quite positive overall, I was content to have achieved that. However, I had forgotten that tonight would be a BAFA meeting. The theme was an introduction to monoprinting. Let me just say that my last experience with monoprinting was as a A level student and I was heartily sick of the medium - more a flaw of the teaching than the medium itself. So, I was more than pleasantly surprised to actually enjoy it, and have produced some pieces that I'm very pleased with. They need to dry before they can be scanned, so I will post them in a few days time.