Here's a collection of many awesome, cool, and fun Club Penguin cheats! Go ahead and try them out!
Super muscles cheat:
Step 1. Take everything off your penguin.
Step 2. Put on the light-blue color.
Step 3. Put the blue floaties on your penguin.

Walk on water cheat (Dock):
Step 1. Go to the Dock.
Step 2. Click bottom right side of the wooden port.

Walk on water cheat (Iceberg):
Step 1. Go to the Dock.
Step 2. Click on the bottom right of the Aqua Grabber.

Standing in pathways Club Penguin cheat:
Step 1. Go to any room and click on any pathway.
Step 2. When you get close to the pathway, click on your Penguin Mail.
Step 3. Wait 5-10 seconds with your Penguin Mail page open.
Step 4. Close your Penguin Mail. You are now standing on a pathway!

Dessert Pizzatron3000 cheat:
Step 1. Go to the Pizza Parlor.
Step 2. Open up the Pizzatron3000 game.
Step 3. Before you start playing, click on the red switch.
Step 3. Start the game. You're now making candy pizza!
Invisible chat history cheat:
Step 1. On your keyboard, hold down any letter until the chat box is full.
Step 2. Press enter to send your message.
Step 3. Open the chat history, your message is invisible!

Play Find Four in your igloo cheat:
Step 1. Go to the Ski Lodge.
Step 2. Click the Find Four game.
Step 3. As soon as your penguin touches the game, click on your igloo button.
Step 4. In your igloo, click "Yes" to play the game.

Play Mancala in your igloo cheat:
Step 1. Go to the Book Room.
Step 2. Click the Mancala game.
Step 3. As soon as your penguin touches the game, click on your igloo button.
Step 4. In your igloo, click "Yes" to play the game.

Club Penguin handstand cheat:
Step 1. Take off any items that your penguin is wearing.
Step 2. Put the Boom Box on your penguin.
Step 3. Press and hold the "D" button on your keyboard.

Club Penguin floating cheat:
Step 1. Take off any items that your penguin is wearing.
Step 2. Put the propeller hat on your penguin.
Step 3. Press and hold the "D" button on your keyboard.

Walk while playing Find Four cheat:
Step 1. Go to the Ski Lodge.
Step 2. Click on any Find Four game and start playing it.
Step 3. While playing the game, click on your Penguin Mail.
Step 4. Close your Penguin Mail and click anywhere in the room.
Walk while playing Mancala cheat:
Step 1. Go to the Book Room.
Step 2. Click on any Mancala game and start playing it.
Step 3. While playing the game, click on your Penguin Mail.
Step 4. Close your Penguin Mail and click anywhere in the room.
Play Jet Pack Adventures with green puffle cheat:
Step 1. Go to the Pet Shop and buy a green puffle.
Step 2. Put your green puffle on your penguin.
Step 3. Go to the Beacon and play Jet Pack Adventures.

Play Cart Surfer with black puffle cheat:
Step 1. Go to the Pet Shop and buy a black puffle.
Step 2. Put your black puffle on your penguin.
Step 3. Go to the Underground Cave and play Cart Surfer.

Play Dance Contest with purple puffle cheat:
Step 1. Go to the Pet Shop and buy a purple puffle.
Step 2. Put your purple puffle on your penguin.
Step 3. Go to the Night Club and Dance Contest.

Play DJ3K with yellow puffle cheat:
Step 1. Go to the Pet Shop and buy a yellow puffle.
Step 2. Put your yellow puffle on your penguin.
Step 3. Go to the Night Club and play DJ3K.
Play Aqua Grabber with pink puffle cheat:
Step 1. Go to the pet shop and buy a pink puffle.
Step 2. Put your pink puffle on your penguin.
Step 3. Go to the Ice Berg and play Aqua Grabber.
Play Catchin' Waves with red puffle cheat:
Step 1. Go to the pet shop and buy a red puffle.
Step 2. Put your red puffle on your penguin.
Step 3. Go to the Cove and play Catchin' Waves.
Find the Ice Berg room cheat:
Step 1. Open your map.
Step 2. Click on the clouds that are on the left of the map.
Low Definition on Club Penguin:
Step 1. Click on "+" or "-" keys on your keyboard.
That's all the cheats for now. Check back soon for more!
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