Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Royal engagements, is there a pattern emerging?

The Queen's eldest granddaughter Zara Phillips and her long-term boyfriend Mike Tindall are engaged to be married.

Honestly Royal Weddings, they're like the number 53 bus. You wait ages for one then 2 come all at once!

What can I say about Zara, she's Princess Anne's daughter. She rides horses. And that's about it! 

I can tell you even less about her fiance Mr Tindall.  I think he plays rugby, and that's only because I looked him up.

I could rant on about the right of succession in the UK. Particularly the practice of  Primogeniture where the eldest male heir inherits the throne...

But I won't!

Here are the happy couple.

Now, as it's Christmas on Saturday. Should I do the Queens speech, or the Queen does Queen?

BTW, do you think we're safe from Royal engagements this week?