Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Danni Minogue… is she still on X-factor?
There’s been a big scandal this week about the use of “Autotune” on X factor!
As a singer myself the thought of using a sound technology to make up for lack of singing ability appals me! I’ve never sought a career as a singer, but I’ve always had a good singing voice. I regularly lead worship singing and I’ve never needed artificial assistance. And trust me, I’d be told if I was off key – or at least never invited to sing again! And I’ve been a regular for over 15 years.
I’ve also heard plenty of great singers live! So why would anyone who’s any good need an autotune? Surely it’s a basic that a singer MUST be able to sing in tune? Or am I missing something here?
I feel like being bitchy and saying “So that’s how all those Pretty girls (and boys) become famous when they can’t sing! The technology does it for them!” I don’t think I’m jealous. No, honest, I don’t! But is it too much to want to hear decent singers? And not pretty, half-naked, wanabees who wouldn’t know a well pitched melody line from their elbow.
And the nudity is another issue, I understand men would probably disagree! But am I the only person who wants to see female celebrities cover up more? I don’t find it in the least attractive! Less is more as they say! Although they may think that’s what they’re doing? Rolls eyes. I’m not averse to nudity, heck, I do life drawing. But there’s a time and place and I think certain types of dress prevent an artist from being taken seriously! Take Beyonce… she’s talented, she sings songs about being an independent woman! But how many men really pay attention to her voice? Honestly?
I heard a quote from Siousie Sioux around the time of the Susan Boyle phenomenon. Siousie felt women were under more pressure to look good now than when she started her career. I fear she may be right! But what went wrong?
Musical talent should be heard…being seen is irrelevant! Why, in an age of “acceptance and equality” are we even more obsessed with image? I know, this from a visual artist! What can I say, I love music, and want to see talent not fakery!
Anyway, back to the X-factor!
Now, last time I checked Danni Minogue was an X factor judge! Which is why I chose her for my subject this week. OK, I admit it, I have a real problem keeping up with the ins and outs of the current celebrities! Maybe the link is tenuous, but hey, it’s fairly topical! And there’s something about a baby…last month!
I’ve heard Danni sing, but I couldn’t tell you whether she used Autotune. Let’s assume not, for legal reasons! And her older sister is Kylie! And she has to compete with her success! I would sympathise! But Danni’s not exactly struggling herself!
I think I might do Siousie Sioux next week!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Club Penguin Rockhopper Is Closer In View!

The Migrator is getting closer... and it's decked out with decorations for the Fall Fair party!
Rockhopper will land this Thursday!
And remember, when Rockhopper arrives, we will be tracking him with our Rockhopper Tracker!
—Cena12121, www.TeamClubPenguinCheats.blogspot.com
New Club Penguin Missions and Puffle Rescue Stamps!
...and you'll see the new "Missions" and "Puffle Rescue" category!
Here are the Puffle Rescue stamps.
And these are the Missions stamps.
Great addition Club Penguin! More stamps will be added next month.
Click here for Club Penguin mission cheats.
Click here for Puffle Rescue cheats.
Click here for Stamp Book cheats.
-Cena12121, www.TeamClubPenguinCheats.blogspot.com
Club Penguin Field-Ops Cheats - Mission 12!
Let's begin!
Step 1. Click on your blinking red Elite Spy Phone, and go to the E.P.F. Command room.
Step 2. Click on the Field-Ops T.V. screen and accept the Field-Op.
Step 3. Open your map and go to the Snow Forts.
Step 4. Walk up to the clock.
Step 5. Click on your ringing green Elite Spy Phone.
Step 6. Puzzle found! You need to guide your micro battery. Go from the recharger to the chips. Oh, and watch out for traps!
TIPS: Move your micro battery (they are black boxes) to a chip (they are gray colored). Stay and hold at the chip. Then go back to your starting charging station (it's a green circle) to recharge, and then go to the next chip. Repeat this process until all chips have been filled.
You have finished the Field-Ops mission! You have earned a medal!
With these medals, you can buy Elite Gear! Each item is worth a certain amount of medals.
Next week a brand new Field-Ops mission will be ready! Make sure to come back here for the next week's Field-Ops cheats!
-Cena12121, www.TeamClubPenguinCheats.blogspot.com
Ask Club Penguin Game Day Creators!
Club Penguin moderator, Happy77, has rounded up some people who helped make the "Club Penguin Game Day" for Nintendo Wii.
They'll be able to answer some of our questions about the game! Just ask whatever you want to know about the game!
They'll pick a few questions from your comments and post the answers next Sunday.
Click here to ask them a question!
-Cena12121, www.TeamClubPenguinCheats.blogspot.com
Saturday, August 28, 2010
New Lotto footwear for Fall 2010 has arrived at the Vancouver soccer store North America Sports. New Lotto Fall 2010 boots include the Lotto Fuerzapura in leather and synthetic and Lotto Stadio Classic FG in original Black Green and the new White with Navy.
Turf, Indoor and youth models also latest arrivals from Lotto for Fall 2010.
Have Questions about the new Lotto soccer footwear for 2010? Call us at North America Sports the Soccer Shop at 604-299-1721.
fabulous fabrics
My simple beige and grey linen furniture just isn’t doing it for me. Luckily it’s easy to add colour and just as easy to remove it once I change my mind…in a few months. Yes, that’s how quickly I move from one styling fixation to the next. Luckily I have a patient husband that supports my constant rearranging and restyling escapades.
Looking for a great place to find fabrics and textiles? Try www.dwellstudio.com. DwellStudio has recently teamed up with Robert Allen to offer a new line of residential fabrics. If you’re not interested in recovering your old pieces, check out their textiles for the home, including pillows, throws, window treatments and much more!

A few of my favourite DwellStudio products for your home.

Thursday, August 26, 2010
Save Your Igloos On Club Penguin!
That means every igloo that you buy gets saved! So now you'll never have to rebuy any igloo!
This new feature is such a win! Agreed?!
—Cena12121, www.TeamClubPenguinCheats.blogspot.com
New Club Penguin Igloo Pin Cheat!
To find the Igloo pin:
Step 1. Open your map and go to the Plaza.
Step 2. Enter the Underground Pool.
Step 3. Find and click on the Igloo pin.
—Cena12121, www.TeamClubPenguinCheats.blogspot.com
Club Penguin Fall Fair 2010 Construction!
Construction for the Fall Fair party has begun at the Beach! The party starts next Thursday, September 2.
And guess who's coming back?! Rockhopper! Click here to read more.
—Cena12121, www.TeamClubPenguinCheats.blogspot.com
Rockhopper Coming For The Fall Fair!
Rockhopper's coming back to Club Penguin! Woah, that fast? He was on the island about a month ago. Well it's great to have him back!
He will land next Thursday, just in time for the Fall Fair!
When Rockhopper does arrive, we will be tracking him with our Rockhopper Tracker!
—Cena12121, www.TeamClubPenguinCheats.blogspot.com
Club Penguin Shadow Guy and Gamma Gal Play Cheats!
Make sure to check it out, it got lots of cool effects!
And with a new play, it comes with a new catalog of course! Click here to go to the new Costume Trunk catalog cheats.
—Cena12121, www.TeamClubPenguinCheats.blogspot.com
Club Penguin Costume Trunk Catalog - Shadow Guy & Gamma Gal Issue!
It got some great items! Like the Shadow Guy and Gamma Gal special dances customes!
But sadly, there's no hidden items in this catalog.
For more Club Penguin catalog cheats, click here.
—Cena12121, www.TeamClubPenguinCheats.blogspot.com
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Art For Haiti Contest Finalists!
Congrats Bella Stars, Mochileiro 7, Cadogs, and Mickey1216! One of your paintings will be drawn on a school playground wall, in Haiti, that Club Penguin built!
Click here to vote for your favorite!
And make sure to leave me a comment telling me which one's your favorite.
—Cena12121, www.TeamClubPenguinCheats.blogspot.com
The new Real Madrid jersey for home & away by Adidas for 2010/11 season has just arrived at Vancouver soccer store North America Sports.
Training range of jerseys, sweaters, jackets and shorts also available by Adidas for Real Madrid 2010/11.
Want to inquire about sizing? Call us at North America Sports the Soccer Shop at 604-299-1721.
P.S. Official Real Madrid Adidas Name & Numbers to be in shortly for September 2010!