And if you click on it, a different penguin picks it up, instead of the Secret Agent!
AND GUESS WHAT?! Today, BillyBob emailed me with a exclusive sneak peek for the new device! Here it is...
SICK! I also labeled the parts of the gadget, to the best I can.
I think this Elite Penguin Force gadget will be replacing the Secret Agent Spy Phone, and that the Elite Penguin Force will replace the Penguin Secret Agency, or combine together on Club Penguin!
Why I think so? Look at this other sneak peek from BillyBob...
...I think it shows the current EPF room combining with the PSA! True?! Uh, uh, uh?!
AND, remember when I posted about Elite Penguin Force badges coming to Club Penguin a long time ago? I found these pictures of the Elite Penguin Force badges on Club Penguin!

All of this points to one thing - the Penguin Secret Agency's new headquarters are going to be combined with EPF's headquarters, and a new gadget will be invented for both EPF and PSA agents.
Got anything else to add to my theory? Tell me by posting a comment!
Also remember, the Elite Penguin Force: Herbert's Revenge" Nintendo DS game hits the stores in United States, Canada, Mexico, and Brazil on May 25th. And in the UK and Australia, it comes out on June 17th!