Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Life Drawing again!!!

I’ve finally managed to sort out a life drawing class again, so guess where I spent the evening. It was a bit will I/won’t I due to a parent teacher meeting but I managed to get there. First sketch was so-so but the second looks much better, after an awful lot of correcting!!! I didn’t finish as much as I’d like as I started playing with water. The initial sketching was done using watercolour pencils so the water added a nice painty dimension. The shading isn’t finished but I like the effects so far. The question is whether I continue to work up the original or use it for other works? I’m not sure I’m happy with it enough to post it, maybe when it’s worked up!!!!
I’ve spent most of the day painting, the watercolour is coming on nicely, although I’m not finished yet.
I’ve even managed some sketching, a few figures swimming at the pool and a style – so exciting!!!!