Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Back on track...

Another virtuous start to the day, children breakfasted and delivered to the relevant stops, Dog walked and I even managed to bake some rock cakes.

All this before 9.30am.

(Nominations for Super-Mum of the year gratefully received...Ha, ha!)

I have to record this as it happens rarely, well... actually this is the first time, but I digress.

After about an hour fiddling with shopping list, emails and tea break I wandered into Buckingham and did the usual shopping bit. Picked up some new watercolour paper, I bought a block this time (so called because all the sheets are glues together on all 4 sides. Which means you can paint on them directly without them cockling! No need to stretch the paper. The latter being a particular bane at the moment.) I loaded the car up but the road was blocked by an ambulance. I decided to wait for him to move and used the opportunity for a little sketching. The ambulance in the street would have been good, but I reckoned they might be leaving quickly so I'd better just do the ambulance. I did the street once he'd driven off.

Here's the ambulance... and here's the street...


Well Street

My cars are definitely improving... ambulances, I'm not so sure - helps when they don't drive away before you do the wheels. I'm not complaining, I hope the elderly lady they took to hospital will be OK.

The rest of the day went quite well. I've now reached the point in the exhibition painting where I can apply paint. Second time around. I've also started a night scene, more info on that another day. No caricatures today. Will have to start a "caricature a day" again.