Monday, June 1, 2009

More rejection!

Andrew went beyond the call of duty today and collected my entry from the Royal Academy and crossed the Thames to take it to the "Not the Summer Exhibition" at the Llwellyn Alexander Gallery. They didn't want it either. Andrew said the work was very traditional, which begs the question why they market the exhibition's patrons as saying "many have commented that this alternative exhibition contains more original and exciting work!" Obviously their definition of original is not mine! Original in my book, as it's used here, indicates different! So I need to find an exhibition which suits the style of art I produce! And if I want to enter the Royal Academy next year do something boring and traditional.

On the up side I've found out I can have my name as a dot com and dot co dot uk domain name!!!!! Whoopee! (Sorry, my life is very limited at the moment, just got the children back at school so I've got to get the excitement where I can.) Just got to wait for the processing to complete and they're mine, all mine (increasingly higher pitched Vincent Price style voice) Mwa ha ha haaaaaaaaaaH!!!!!!!!!! Then I can finally get around to printing up the cards, prints.....

I think I will probably go with this one, although I have about 4 contenders.

Compass 001