Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A brush with Cubism

I'm having a good day today, me happy. Despite not getting much drawing done this morning, or afternoon due to hospital appointments and my weekly craft group.

CIMG3791 Tonight was the life drawing class and I'm much happier with the results today. At one point the tutor suggested I try a straight line approach to help me loosen up my style. I have to admit I really enjoyed the challenge and I think the results are quite promising. We also did a nice long 1 hour pose which was quite difficult but I think I've cracked it - the finish needs refining but the drawing looks convincing - as always I wanted more time. I particularly liked these two. Both are 5 minute sketches and unfinished but something about the quality of lines is appealing.CIMG3792

To finish off the day as I logged on and checked my email, I've been asked to do a commission for June 1st, (Excuse me a moment - Whoopee!!!!! Second commission this week - did I not mention the one I got on Sunday -whoops.) and now I get to carry on with a portrait, life just doesn't get any better! Well, I was half hoping for a male life model this week, ho hum! Maybe next week.


Oh yes, and I've also started a website concentrating on the work I'm happy with. It's still in the creating process at the moment but once it's up and running I'll post the link.

Anyway, off to play...