Saturday, November 15, 2008


Well, didn't win anything in the competition. There's still "best in show" but, judging by how the other votes went, that's unlikely. All the winners were architectural pictures. I wasn't too impressed with the top 2 winners -intermediate and experienced. That's not to say they were bad. It's not really sour grapes either, although I was disappointed and would have liked to have won. It's just I thought there were plenty more worthy candidates, ones I would have been happy to lose to! Looking around, I think my entry was too challenging for the style of competition. The winners were fairly safe and obvious interpretations of the theme. I know for next time, do something that's a local view of Buckingham and I'll stand a better chance! Anyway, all part of the learning curve -oh no cliche alert! I must look into some other competitions and get my head down to some serious painting...

I'll be back!