Sunday, June 22, 2008

I did it

Well, today was the day of the Fete. Weather very dry, sunny and very very windy. We were supposed to be in a tent but I bailed out after my drawing started blowing across the field. The rest of the Art tent bailed after the tent blew down. We decamped to the school buildings. I managed 10 drawings all done direct in ink. Only 3 pages torn up where the mistakes were too bad, so all in all quite successful. I could have done a lot more though, which surprised me. I didn't get as many takers as I was hoping. Some of my lines were looking distinctly serrated at the start but I managed to blend them in so they didn't affect the final result. Everyone seemed happy with the pictures which is a result as far as I'm concerned!

Sadly no pictures again today as I can't get my scanner to work!!!!!!!!!!!!