Yesterday and today's offering is Sandra Bullock. I'm certainly a lot happier with my results now but after I've left them for a bit I come back and all the flaws jump out at me. I may just have to have another go as I've just spotted a few more. Some times I just need to make the mistakes to develop the picture. I'm really happy with the hair and most of the face. I need to work on the back ground, ears, placement on the page, skin colouring. and the feet, and probably a whole lot more besides.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Sandra Bullock - slowly making progress
Friday, June 27, 2008
More Markers
This is more like it! I still need to work on the facial shading and background but I'm much happier with today's effort. As you can see my new markers arrived so I was able to finish Richard Hammond. I think I'd prefer the sky to have been slightly lighter or a different shade but I'm pleased with the water effect. Not sure about the thick black outlines on the water droplets, need to get the touch lighter. I also prefer people with Tidy Hair!!!!
I started a drawing of Russell Crow last night. I'm a bit stuck on what to draw in the background. Nothing is inspiring yet but hopefully I'll get some ideas soon.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Time to try some new faces
Googled a few celebrities to find more subjects today. I've drawn Reese Witherspoon in black marker and I'm very pleased with the likeness. I love the clean lines of black and white. Sometimes I think colour detracts from the image. I also need to decide whether to put a body on or leave her as a disembodied head- I quite like the effect of the latter. It has a simple charm, but a body and background could add more, decisions, decisions. I'll mull on it and decide later before I post the image. I've ordered some more copic markers, hopefully in the colours I need. Then we'll see how I get on. I'm determined to master them, even though my first attempts have been depressingly bad. Still, if we didn't make mistakes, we wouldn't learn. I know I can do so much better than that!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Back to Black
I've been playing with the markers and can get a decent finish now, I just need a greater selection of colours so until they come I'll go back to pen, watercolour and pastel. Today's offering is Richard Hammond AKA "Hamster" from Top Gear. The plan was to complete it with markers hence the fine lines. I'll post it again once I've colour it in, but for now, here he is. The funny point on his head is going to be a mountain!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The Nike Legend 2 & Nike Mercurial Vapor IV Euro Championship Edition boots have arrived at North America Sports. Size availability for both Nike Euro 2008 styles are starting to become limited. To see if your size is in stock, call 604-299-1721.
Experimenting with markers YUK!!!!
My yesterday/today contribution was Noel Fielding, I'm really pleased with the likeness but not at all happy with the colouring. A bit too orange and blotchy for my taste. (I've decided to remove it, I was cringing every time I saw it on the blog.) My first attempt was better than my second attempt but still not as I'd like it. I think I may have found out where I've been going wrong I'm letting the edge dry so the streaks appear. I'm going to play for a bit longer before I make another attempt.
I went to look at an art exhibition last night. Enjoyed it and felt up to the competition. All very civilized.
I have now created some flyers which I handed out on Sunday and have been steadily handing them out since. So far only favourable comments but there seems to be genuinely interested so we'll see if anything emerges.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Demand for Russia nike jerseys & apparel for Euro 2008 has been high since their quarterfinal victory against favorites Holland. Despite trying all avenues, no official Russia Euro 2008 jerseys and apparel are available unfortunately at North America Sports.
We currently do have a size small in the previous Russia Nike away jersey from 2006/07.
Please do phone at 604-299-1721 for updates however on Russia Euro 2008 apparel as availability may change.
Just chillin'
Finally got Saturday's pictures to scan, so here's Keira
and here's Trevor. This morning I've been playing with some new Copic marker pens, trying to get used to the technique. I'm working on Noel Fielding and am pleased with the likeness. I'm hoping to finish adding the colour to him and post it later on today, but as I'm out tonight he may have to wait until the morning!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
I did it
Well, today was the day of the Fete. Weather very dry, sunny and very very windy. We were supposed to be in a tent but I bailed out after my drawing started blowing across the field. The rest of the Art tent bailed after the tent blew down. We decamped to the school buildings. I managed 10 drawings all done direct in ink. Only 3 pages torn up where the mistakes were too bad, so all in all quite successful. I could have done a lot more though, which surprised me. I didn't get as many takers as I was hoping. Some of my lines were looking distinctly serrated at the start but I managed to blend them in so they didn't affect the final result. Everyone seemed happy with the pictures which is a result as far as I'm concerned!
Sadly no pictures again today as I can't get my scanner to work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Going live
No drawings today. Didn't have a good day at all yesterday, practicing quick ink sketches and only produced 1 picture which was mediocre. Today's efforts were better although I haven't had much time to practice today. Unfortunately my scanner is playing up again so the sketches will have to wait. I did a reasonable quick sketch of Keira Knightly and a live TV sketch of Trevor Macdonald which I'm very pleased with, both were direct in ink.
Tomorrow is my first major test, the live drawing at my son's school. I'm pretty apprehensive but, if I can stay calm, I think I'll be able to deliver the goods. If only I had six more weeks to practice in!
My next post will be after the event, so PRAY for me!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Return to Doctor Who and a 70's icon
Thought I'd have another attempt at Billie Piper, I've had several attempts but none that I've been remotely happy with. I'm still trying to improve the quick sketches and develop a caricature style. I think it's coming.
The second image is Donna Summer, again a quick one concentrating on Cartoon facial features.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
North America Sports can confirm that it will be the exclusive soccer store in British Columbia (BC) to have in stock shortly seven pairs of the Nike Mercurial Vapor IV Leather Euro Championship Edition soccer boots EC08 and 15 pairs of the Nike Legend 2 Leather Euro Championship Edition soccer boots EC08. The shipment of these boots are expected for week of June 22/08. Please call for the adult sizes available at 604-299-1721.
Photos from of the UK
Photos from of the UK
Lots of ladies
Didn't get time to post yesterday so here's yesterdays efforts. Emma Thompson
and Marilyn Monroe. Both of these were quick sketches directly into ink-I had a lot of goes at Marilyn but Emma was the second attempt.
Today's project was to do a better pastel image of Drew Barrymore and I think I've succeeded, I'm much happier with this one!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Italy secured their presence in the quarterfinal round in Euro 2008 with their win against France today in their last group match. The azzurri wore their italy puma white away jersey with white shorts & socks. Les Bleu wore their france adidas home blue jersey with blue shorts and socks.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Germany secured their place in the quarterfinal round by beating Euro 2008 hosts Austria today. Deutschland wore their adidas home kit - white jersey, black shorts and white socks. NASL currently has official Germany adidas equipment including jersey, traksuit, shorts and fan gear. Official Adidas Name and Numbers available for the Germany shirts, as below for #11, Klose.
Unable to stop at North America Sports the soccer shop? Browse Euro 2008 gear online...
Nike Jackets are in stock at North America Sports for Euro 2008 quarterfinalists Croatia, Holland and Portugal. Adult sizes are available in all three jackets below.
Nike Croatia Anthem Jacket 2008
Nike Holland Anthem Jacket 2008
Nike Portugal Anthem Jacket 2008
Blues brothers
Another iconic image that really needs very little adding. I thought I'd give them a go, and here's the result. I can always pick faults in them but I think this will do nicely. Only one possible issue/niggle is the Elwood on Jakes hands. I'll probably find it ELW and OOD but I'm past caring. I also need to scan it on a higher resolution as it looks very pixelated!
Update, it's actually ELWO and OD never mind! Spent some time on quick inked drawing tonight, trying to loosen up my style.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Cristiano Ronaldo's green nike mercurial vapors
Cristiano Ronaldo's green nike mercurial vapors
Nike Super Light (SL) was produced without financial or any other limitations. The boot has been designed to be the lightest, fastest football boot ever. Cristiano Ronaldo is wearing a unique green nike mercurial vapor 4 in Euro 2008,he is the only player wearing nike mercurial vapor 4 green colored edition in Euro 2008.
Portugal manager Felipe Scolari rested Cristiano Ronaldo in the last game versus Switzerland on sunday to nullify potential injuries, but Portugal surely missed those green vapors losing the game 2-0.
Cristiano Ronaldo gets new green Nike mercurial vapor4 boots and plays with it.
Cristiano Ronaldo juggles with the ball during the Portugal training session wearing of course nike mercurial vapor 4 ;)
Image details: Euro 2008 - Portugal Training Session served by
A man in black
Today's offering is a pastel of Will Smith. Sorry, but I had to go for the obvious!! Any "Men in black" fans shouldn't pay too close attention to the weapon, which is entirely made up from my own, probably inaccurate, memory. If I was a man I'd probably remember it, but objects don't hold that much interest for me. Well, not when I've got someone like Will Smith to look at instead! Give it to Angelina Jolie and I'd have not problems. He has a bit darker skin tones than the original but I think the colour hues are accurate. I like the larger format, it's a pity I can't scan in A3 though, the photographs just aren't as good quality as the scanned images. Sorry, I'll stop going on about it and accept the limitations. Ha Ha Ha!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Spain beats Sweden today in Euro 2008 group play 2-1, wearing their home jersey by adidas. North America Sports has a variety of official adidas Euro 2008 products such as the Spain home adidas jersey, spain adidas warm up suit and fan apparel, adidas Spain casual jackets and Spain adidas fan tshirts. Call for sizes available at 604-299-1721.
Not from Vancouver? Browse the Spain Adidas seletion at this online soccer store below...
Return to Pastel
This is today's effort. I thought I'd try some pastels, haven't done any for a while. I think I should have done A3 as getting fine details proved difficult on A4. I think I have a likeness of Drew Barrymore but I'm not happy with the overall effect, it's a bit crude for my liking. I can do better so I'll probably have another go tomorrow.
Friday, June 13, 2008
More quick sketches
This was my third attempt at Helena Bonham Carter in the "Bellatrix LeStrange" pose. This was another ink only drawing so I'm quite pleased with likeness. It's still looking rough around the edges but the confidence is coming, slowly.
The second picture of Drew Barrymore was an inked up pencil drawing. I like the likeness but the background needs more development. Spent the rest of the time today working on backgrounds.
Back to the quick sketches

I decided to concentrate on quick sketches and backgrounds last night. The B/W sketch of the picture shown on right is probably the best. I was playing around with eyes and I think it works with this face. This one was straight to ink although I did go over it with a larger pen as the original looked too timid. Anyway, off to do today's contribution.
Update - She's Coco Rocha, apparently!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Croatia at Euro 2008 are undefeated and leading Group B after today's win against Germany. Currently in stock are the Croatia Nike away jerseys, which Croatia have worn for both their Euro 2008 matches, and the Croatia nike home jerseys.
Please call 604-299-1721 for available sizes!
More technology meltdowns...!
I am unable to post at the moment, we have not BT connection so no telephone or broadband. That a mere 2 days after my laptop died a sudden and dramatic death, complete with curling plumes of the corner. I'm continuing to draw and blog, but it won't be published until the phone is fixed.
Monday evening effort was disappointing, although I like the overall premise. It is supposed to be Angelina Jolie but it all went wrong at the inking up stage. I realised her nose was too short and and with the eyelashes she seems to have morphed into Dusty Springfield.
The second attempt was better although I haven't caught the mouth quite right, there's a certain Simpsonsesque turn, especially on the right. I really like my jeep although any purists out there may find 101 faults it feels nice and solid. I could have gone darker with the hair but I really like the light layer effect which would have been spoilt by going darker. This is an authentic style from the picture I used but it's another reason she looks so Dusty like in the black and white picture. My eldest has found several faults so it's obviously not one of my best efforts, but he has assured me that I shouldn't quit!!!!!
Hooray we have phone and broadband back!
BT have finally fixed the line - you know this because you are reading my blog, but I've had a few days of frustration!!!!!!! As you see this is my latest offering - Hugh Laurie. I've tweaked a bit since I did it but he looks young! Yesterday was another busy day
Siobhan and I completed Race for life last night, so not much drawing done other than this one. Still today is another day, as they say!
If you want to sponsor me for Race for life go to
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
With Portugal advancing to the round robin stage with their second victory at Euro 2008 today, Portugal Nike Jerseys have been in demand.
The Portugal Home jersey is currently limited in sizing with XL, L & M sold out temporarily. Smalls are still available in the home shirt, with various sizes comfortably available in the Portugal Away Nike jerseys.
Call us for up to the minute stock updates on the Portugal Home Jerseys at 604-299-1721.
Cristiano Ronaldo goal against Czech Republic
Cristiano Ronaldo goal goal against Czech Republic
Cristiano Ronaldo scored no goals in his first match at Euro 2008 but Portugal's star presented a great play as Portugal win an humble Turkey squad.Pepe and Meireles second-half goals gave Portugal a 2-0 win over Turkey.
Cristiano Ronaldo scored first goal at Euro 2008 in match against Czech Republic.Portugal squad won their second game of euro 2008 over Czech Republic and have already qualified for qualified for the quarter-finals.
Image details: Czech Republic v Portugal - Group A Euro 2008 served by
Image details: Czech Republic v Portugal - Group A Euro 2008 served by
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Group A plays their second round of group matches tomorrow at 9:00 am PST with Czech Rep v Portugal and then at 11:45 am PST, Switzerland v Turkey.
and subsequently...
A total of 16 goals have been scored and David Villa of Spain leads the top goal scorer race. We're anticipating seeing this match ball in the back of many more nets, as the group play continues and the round robin is shortly approaching!
The official game ball for all 31 matches in the Euro 2008 tournament is the Adidas Euro 2008 Europass Match Ball. Want to see one in person? North America Sports currently has quantities in stock!