Friday, April 30, 2010

How not to sketch, take a picture!

Sometimes you want to sketch but it’s just not possible! Today has been one of those days.

I woke to sunshine and planned to paint. The children were off which dampened my style somewhat.


Take them for a picnic! Happy children, happy parent and happy dog! What could possibly go wrong?

So, we set off for the woods - the dog, children et moi! Fully intending to sketch I took all my gear.

Le Grand plan:- To create one or more masterpieces whilst the children played blissfully throwing a ball for the dog! I either have delusions of grandeur or have watched far too many bad American movies/sitcoms. You know, the ones that are saccharin sweet and have a strong moral at the end. Then insult your intelligence by hammering it home right at the end? Usually in the form of a diary entry or letter.

Oh how naive I was! (laughs hysterically). Between carrying all the gear in a bag that kept falling off (I’ve lost my rucksack) and looking for the dog/children - I managed about 10 lines, before moving on.

All was not lost, I had a camera! So,  one subtle media change later and I continued photographing children and other points of interest. My obsession with brickwork and decay was very satisfied. The lighting wasn’t good but compositionally I like them. I loved this wall – the ghosts of bricks. Says a lot when the mortar is stronger than the bricks!

CIMG4872 Decaying wall

There’s some argument over which is better, working from sketches or photographs. And I’m still debating whether the camera should be on my gear list.

But there are times where it’s a godsend. Moving targets like animals and children are a case in point!

What’s your preference! Where have you found a camera essential? Or do you hold to the sketches only principle?

Leave a comment, I’d love to know!