Friday, July 31, 2009

A load of Rubbish!

If this looks like a pile of rubbish than that's because it is! I found this interesting discussion on procrastination (the fact I was reading it speaks volumes - although, in my defence, it had led from a search for a good book on using sketchbooks - something I feel I need to improve on! Are you impressed? The true procrastinator always has a good excuse!!!!!!) Anyway it lead to this webpage and facebook group called "Everyday Matters"! On the facebook page there's a daily challenge. Junk drawer

Today's was to "draw your junk drawer" - as I'm British I felt it really ought to be a rubbish drawer! Although strictly speaking it's the drawer that contains the spare light bulbs, string and bin bags - they are there peeking out in the bottom corner- and fuses...! Anyway, it was fun to do, could be worked on more but it's a sketch! We have a baptismal font that IS full of rubbish (I live in a converted chapel and - before you get excited - it's only a little font like an urn you can pick up) , maybe I should do that next...