Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Billie Piper -revisited

Tattoo treble clef 001Children back at school ? Check.

School runs? check

Everybody fed and cared for? check

Exploratory tattoo style drawing at coffee time? Check.

Portrait for today's post? Check.

Craft club run?Billie Piper 2009 03 11 check

Application form for Royal Academy's Summer exhibition form completed and posted? Check.

Progress with exhibition piece today - umm, I did some yesterday, honest, but today? Well. let's see, did I...did I? Actually no, not a thing, nothing, zero, zip, despite earlier promises I procrastinated. I talked about what I needed to do, I'm even writing about it now, I've even got someone interested in a print when it's completed but I haven't done anything. I'm sorry, Sob!

Still I've done a picture..Billie Piper in pencil, still favouring the portrait rather than the caricature at the moment. I also thought I'd try something completely different and have always been fascinated by the Surf/tattoo style, hence my attempt based on a treble clef - if you hadn't spotted it.